Become a Fundraiser and Join a Team that represents a branch of the military
that's close to your heart! ♥  Make a gift in memory of a veteran you know.

♥ Air Force
♥ Army
♥ Marine Corps
♥ Navy
♥ Coast Guard

1: Click on the Become a Fundraiser Button to Register for the event now AND SELECT YOUR TEAM!
This will create a personal fundraising page for you and place you on the TEAM fundraising page

2: Share your fundraising page online
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn / Email social circle
Also, check out who's on your team by viewing the Team's fundraising page!

3: All of the fundraising you do will credit YOUR team! 
When someone donates to your page, YOU get credit / YOUR TEAM gets credit 
When someone clicks on your link, YOU get a social point.

The more you share, the more you support The New York Bar Foundation's grant program!

Click here to see how your gift helps!




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